Best Time to Post On Instagram
The amount of people that are still posting at the wrong time on Instagram is crazy.
While the Instagram algorithm takes many things into consideration when choosing which posts to show in someone’s feed, one particularly important factor is recency.
Therefore, understanding your peak time to post is crucial.
Instagram insights are most people’s first choice for finding their peak time. We wanted to see if you should actually trust this.
Our insights say that 3pm is when most of our followers are online. So logically, 3pm should be our best time to post.
After testing 6 different times, ranging from 8am to 6pm, we have the results...
The earlier the post the better it performed!
The 8am posts outperformed our 3pm posts on multiple occasions.
Most of your followers will also be following others in your niche. This means your competitor's insights will show a similar peak time to yours.
These specific times will have an influx of content from your competitors, all being pushed to your follower's feeds.
Instagram will notice that your new post is not receiving as much engagement as the other content, and consequently, your post will not be pushed on Explore and Hashtags.
This won't apply to everyone, that's why testing a range of times for yourself is the only way you'll find the 'best' time to post.
Hope you found this helpful!